What is an Orchestration?


Trendemon journey orchestration automatically displays top-performing content and offers to target visitors, at exactly the right time. Our unique personalization capabilities increase website engagement and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates to business goals.

The basic building blocks of an Orchestration are Audiences, Goals, and Offers.

Once these elements are set in place, Trendemon automatically triggers a self-learning and self-optimizing algorithm that serves each visitor with top-performing offers at each stage of the journey. 

No manual sequencing is required on your side, the performance analysis and optimization are done automatically by us. You tell us who your target audience is, and we make sure it progresses down the buying funnel.

Before you set up an Orchestration, you’ll need to configure your target audience, business goal, and offers. We assume you already configured an audience and goals since these are essential to any Trendemon personalization operation. So we’ll jump right into creating offers. 

How to create Offers  

The first step in creating an orchestration is generating offers. 

Offers are the calls-to-actions that will be presented to orchestrate target visitors, and they are similar campaigns. An Orchestration can include the following offer types: Promotion, Forms, and Surveys. 

There is no limitation on the number of offers or their types. Our recommendation is to use at least 5 different promotion offers, and at least one form (or a promotional offer that leads to gated content).

To create an offer navigate to Activate → Manage → Offers → Create Offer.

The steps of creating a new offer are similar to the steps of creating a new campaign:

  • Select offer type - form, promotion, or survey.
  • Creative - select the layout and design your offer.
  • Settings - select triggers, devices, and funnel position. 
    • Triggers - We recommend using triggers that are easily activated so that your offers will get more exposure. For example: a scroll depth of 10% is better than a 60% scroll.  
    • Funnel position - When the offer’s funnel position is set to “Automatic” this means that Trendemon optimization logic will display this offer at the optimal stage in the visitor’s journey. If for some reason you want to override this option, and specifically tell us when exactly in the journey this offer should be displayed, then you can select one of the following stages for the offer: Top of funnel, middle of the funnel, or Bottom of the funnel. 
  • Publish - if your offer has an overlay layout, then you must tag the offer. This tag helps to bucket offers according to different subjects. We recommend grouping your offers into tags according to the target audience that should view them or the content the offers lead to. Some examples of common offer tags: case studies, content for DevOps, Marketing Automation forms, and more. 
  • Please note there is no audience selection when configuring an offer. Selecting the target audience is part of the orchestration setup as explained below.


1- offers


How to set up an Orchestration

To create a new Orchestration navigate to Activate → Manage → Orchestrations → Create Orchestration.  


In this section, you tell us which visitors you want to target. Audiences can be based on company properties (like industry, size, revenue), geo locations, traffic sources, and more. As a best practice, we recommend defining an audience based on static attributes that don’t relate to their buying stage, since the purpose of the orchestration is for Trendemon to move these visitors down the buying funnel.

You can select a pre-defined audience or create a custom audience for this specific orchestration.

2 - audiences


In this section you let us know where you want Trendemon to lead your target audience. We recommend setting up “deep” goals to use in the Orchestration, ones that have a true business meaning that you want to measure, like SQL and MQL.

3 - goals


In this section, you need to select offer tags, and all the offers with this tag will be presented as part of this orchestration. 

4 - offer tags


Here you define web pages that will display the overlay offers. You can select specific website areas, and page tags or define your own custom rules. Our recommendation is to select areas/page tags that include at least 10 different pages in order to increase the exposure of your offers. 

5 - settings

So how does Orchestration actually work? 

Once your orchestration is published, Trendemon will automatically display the right offer to the right visitor at the right stage of his journey. Our unique optimization algorithm is based on a few elements - the visitor stage in the journey, amount of pages read, offer CTR, and more. 

A key factor that guides us is the approach of nurture rather than gate. Most tactics of serving gated content at the beginning of the journey, result in high churn rates. We know (based on our many ongoing data analyses) that the most effective way to get a visitor to convert is by nurturing him with the right un-gated content, once the visitor is engaged and educated - then start serving gated content as well. Our journey mapping capabilities guide us in knowing when is the right time to serve gated content in order to achieve conversions.

Once the Orchestration is activated, we automatically control the exposure of each offer to increase impressions and measure performance. When we’ve accumulated a sufficient amount of data regarding offers’ performance, we incorporate our journey mapping capabilities, and automatically serve visitors with top performing offers at the right stage on their journey, increasing engagement and conversions. 

This automated process ensures that over time Trendemon will direct more impressions to top-performing offers, and less to none traffic to low-performing ones. This means you don’t need to manually track the performance of the offers, and pause low-performing ones - we will automatically optimize the impression distribution for you.

How to measure Orchestration performance

Use our Analyze Performance screen to track the performance of your offers: their CTR, goals completion, and the % of visitors that clicked on the offer. 

Navigate to Activate → Analyze → Campaigns and Offers, and filter “Only Offers”. You can also review the results by specific offer tags, and filter on individual offer names.


6 - analyze totals 

Scroll down to the bottom table to review the performance of each specific offer. You can assess the offer’s performance based on CTR and goal compilation. 

7 - analyze table