

Streams are an extension of Trendemon’s outreach capabilities and serve as personalized content sequences for specific personas and accounts. You select the content assets you want to display in the Stream - web pages, PDFs, videos - set the order of the assets, and present a predefined sequence of content. 

The best way to explain what Streams are is to experience it yourself. Click here to view an example of a content stream we prepared for Trendemon prospects. This stream has 2 main components:

  1. Sidebar recommendation menu - displays the content sequence and the scroll depth on the current page.Streams - sidebar

     2. A banner at the bottom of the page with a countdown for loading the next content.streams - bottom banner

Please note that this is just an example, and these 2 components are completely customizable so you can tailor them to fit your specific business needs. 

You also have an option to gate content items in your Stream by presenting a form to the visitors, and revealing the content only after the form is completed. 

There are two options to share Streams. Each Stream has a generic URL that you can share with prospects via email, social media, and other platforms. The second option is to connect your Stream to a SalesForce contact target list, have Trendemon automatically generate a personalized link per contact, and send those links back to SalesForce. 


How to Create Streams:

  1. Navigate to Activate → Manage → One-to-Won, and click on “Create One-To-Won Experience”how-to-1 
    1. Click on “Create Stream”
  3. The “Curate” section is where you add the content items to the Stream and set their order. You have 2 options for adding content:
  • Add a url of a webpage (can also be a PDF file hosted on a webpage) - paste the url you want to load and click on “Load URL”. Trendemon will automatically display the title and image of the content, but you can also edit them manually.

  • Upload PDF - click on “Upload PDF” and select the PDF file you want to load. Trendemon will automatically populate the title of the content and a default image, but you can edit them manually. 

 4. If you want to add to the Stream a url that doesn’t have Trendemon’s code on it (maybe a content asset that resides in a subdomain), then you’ll need to check the “A page without a Trendemon Tag” option. Selecting this option will ensure Trendemon can display this page in the stream. 

 5. To add more content pages to your Stream - click on the “add content” option and follow steps 3 and 4, as mentioned above.   

 6. You can reorder the content in your Stream by clicking on the dots icon next to a specific content, and then drag & drop to the desired position. The new order will be displayed automatically on the preview section on the right slide. 

7. The Customize section is where you configure the design of the Stream. You can update the position of the recommendation menu, thumbnail type, company logo to be displayed on the menu, option to load the next item on scroll, additional settings for mobile and more.

Clicking on “Save Layout As Default” will save all the customized settings you’ve defined in this section, and display them by default for the next time you create a Stream. 

8. Under the Settings section you can find all the optional configurations for your Stream:
  • Inbound Targeting - checking this option will display your stream as a slider for inbound website personalization. In this section you can select the audiences that will see the stream, define the pages in which it will be displayed and more. 


  • Outbound Targeting - This option is for sharing the Stream as part of your outreach effort. In this section you can connect your Stream to a contact target list, let Trendemon generate a personalized Stream url per contact and share these urls directly to SalesForce. To learn more about this option - please review sections 3 and 5 in this knowledge base article

If you want to create a generic stream (with no personalized urls), you can just skip this step and leave the target list section blank.

  • Overlay Offer - here you have the option to add an overlay offer to your Stream. This can be a CTA banner, form, survey or any other call to action. The overlay offer needs to be created in advance under Activate → Manage → Offers → Create offer.  Please make sure you don’t tag the offer you want to display in the Stream, as tagged offers will be served only in inbound orchestrations. 

Select the name of the offer you want to add from the dropdown menu, and apply additional display filters based on Marketing automation attributes. 

“Show offer on” lets you decide on which stream pages the offer will be displayed - you can display the offer on all Stream pages, or gate only specific assets (for example: PDFs).

9. Click on “Save” in the Publish screen to complete the Stream creation. If you connected your Stream to a contact target list, then click on “Save and Update URLs in SalesForce”. You also have an option to tag your Stream:


10. To view the details of your Streams navigate to Active → Manage →Streams. In the manage screen you can see details of the Streams you’ve created - amount of content items, creation date and more. You can also preview the stream directly from this screen, and copy the generic Stream url.

Please note that the order of the Streams in this screen affects inbound personalization - in case you have multiple Streams with inbound targeting, and a visitor applied to multiple inbound streams conditions, then the top relevant stream gets the highest priority and will be displayed. You can update the order of the Streams by drag and drop. 

11. How does Streams affect the display of overlay Campaigns and offers? 

Streams take priority over overlay campaigns and offers. This applies to both outbound and inbound Streams:

  • Outbound - when a visitor views pages inside a Stream, he won’t see any additional overlay campaigns and offers on the Stream pages (besides the stream offer configured in step 8).
  • Inbound - when a visitor is presented with a Stream side menu as part of inbound personalization, he won’t see any additional overlay campaigns and offers on that page.
12. Explore the performance of your Streams by navigating to Activate → Analyze → Streams. Uncover the engagement and conversion metrics of the entire Stream, and see a breakdown of these metrics for each individual page. You can also explore full journeys of visitors that passed via Streams by clicking on the numbers in Connected Contacts or Goals Completed.