One to Won pages

One-to-won pages are designed to empower Marketing and Sales teams in their outreach efforts. This capability enables hyper-personalization of pages based on your own 1st party data for contact level, and helps you engage the entire buying group and boost conversions.

Trendemon automatically connects to your SalesForce leads, so you can define target contacts and fetch 1st party data for personalization. Our SalesForce integration works the other way too, as Trendemon automatically populates personalized urls for each target contact inside SalesForce. You can then share one-to-won personalized pages in SalesForce email sequences, or send the links to other platforms (SalesLoft, Apollo…) and continue your outreach from there. 


  1. Create a new contacts target list by navigating to Configure → Audiences → Contacts Target Lists → Create List:

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   2. Under “Import SalesForce leads based on the following rules” you need to specify which leads you to want to include in the contact list based on your existing SalesForce attributes. For example: all leads with Status = qualified. 

On the second step, “Which leads fields to import”,  you can select which fields you want to fetch for each lead in the contact list. For example: if you want to include the lead's first name in your one-to-won page, then you need to import that field.

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      3. The next step is to create 2 new string fields inside SalesForce that will be populated by Trendemon with personalized urls:
  • Link for the preview url - this url is for the user's preview and you can click on this link to review the personalized page. 
  • Link for the live url - this is the url you need to send to your contact, and the first pageview to this url will be regarded, tracked and measured as the actual contact. Please make sure not to open this link, as this will affect the accuracy of Trendemon’s tracking and metrics. 

The 2 new fields you create on SalesForce must apply to our naming convention and start with "trd_otw". We use this as a precaution so we won't override other SalesForce fields you have. 

Here is an example of how we named Trendemon one-to-won fields for our upcoming webinar: “trd_otw_webinar_live_link” and “trd_otw_webinar_preview_link”.


Follow these steps inside SalesForce to create your 2 custom fields:

a. Navigate to Setup (top right corner) → Object Manager → Leads. 
SF custom fields a

b. Click on Fields & Relationships → New

SF custom fields b

c. Set “Data Type” to “Text Area”, and click on Next

SF custom fields c


d. Set “Field Label” according to the naming convention mentioned above (must start with “trd_otw”), copy the same name to “Field Name”. 

Make sure to uncheck the “Required” option. You can add description and help text if necessary. 

   SF custom fields d

e. Under the “Visible” option you can select which members in your organization will be able to view the new custom field. Click Next

SF custom fields e

f. Uncheck the Add Field to Layout option, and click Save or Save & New.

SF custom fields f

g. In order to display the new custom field in the Leads layout page, navigate to Leads → Page Layout. Select the new custom field from the “Fields” section, and drag & drop to place the field under the section you want. Click Save.

SF custom fields g

** Please note you’ll need to repeat the above process twice since you need to create 2 new custom fields - one for the live link, and one for the preview link.

Best practices on how to manage SalesForce One-To-Won custom fields: 

Our recommendations on how to manage custom fields are based on your outreach tactics. Generally speaking, each contact in SalesForce can have multiple custom fields, but each field can hold only one url value at any given time. That’s why it’s important to understand in advance if you want to create multiple custom fields inside SalesForce vs reusing the ones you already created and overriding the previous url with a new one. 

  • Generating one-to-won pages for a single contact target list - for this use case our recommendation is to create one set of custom fields (preview URL and live URL), and reuse them. The process flow should look something like this: create your first one-to-won page and populate the custom fields →  reach out to your contacts with the personalized urls →  create your second one-to-won page and populate the same custom fields (Trendemon will replace the old URL with the new one) → reach out to your contacts with the personalized urls → …
  • Generating one-to-won pages for overlapping contact target lists - This use case is for when you’re creating different one-to-won pages, each one of them for a different contact target list, and there’s an overlap between the target lists (contacts can be in more than one list). Our recommendation here is to create multiple custom field sets in SalesForce, and direct each one-to-won page to a different custom field. This means each contact will have multiple custom fields, one for each one-to-won page, and you can avoid overriding old urls with new ones.  


4. Create a new One-to-Won campaign by navigating to Activate → Manage → One-to-won → Create One-to-Won 

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       5. Under the Targeting section - name the campaign and select the contacts list that will serve as the audience for this personalized page. You’ll also need to select the SalesForce fields created in step #3.

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        6. In the Customize section, insert the url you want to use for the personalized page, click on load to see a preview of it.

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          7. Click on +Add Element and use the Element Selector to choose the page section you want to personalize.

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         8. Define element variation - replace text / image / link and select which contacts will see the new variation. The next step is to define what these contacts should see. Clicking on +Insert field will enable you to select a specific contact attribute and display its actual value. Common use cases for inserting fields can include first name, industry, job title and more.

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          9. Repeat step #8 to personalize all the relevant page elements.

         10. The Publish section displays a summary of your configuration. Click “Save” to generate the personalized urls, or “Save & Update URLs in SalesForce” to push the personalized links into SalesForce.

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         11. And that’s it! One-to-won personalized urls will be populated automatically in your SalesForce account. 

You can also explore personalized urls by navigating to Activate → Manage → One-to-Won, and click on “View Pages”. 

You can preview the personalized page by clicking on “Preview Pages”. The “Copy Link” option is for the live url you need to send to your contact, and the first pageview to this url will be regarded, tracked and measured as the actual contact. Please make sure not to open this link, as this will affect the accuracy of Trendemon’s tracking and metrics.

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          12. Analyze the performance of your one-to-won pages by navigating to Activate → Analyze → One-to-Won. Explore the different metrics by comparing personalized versions to the default non-personalized versions. Clicking on “Connected Contacts” will direct you to the Journeys screen where you can see full details on the entire website journeys on target contacts.

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