
With Race campaigns, you can easily personalize or test any element on any page, run experiments on multiple page variations, test different URLs, personalize for target audiences, and uncover the winning layout. Trendemon will automatically identify the top-performing variation and can direct all the traffic to it. 

Here are some useful examples on how you can use Race:

  • Update any element on a page using a visual in-line editor. No need for HTML or CSS, simply click and edit. 
  • Generate personalized page variations for a specific target audience, select performance objectives, run the experiment and let Trendemon compute the winning variation and direct the traffic to it. 
  • Conduct a Split test between 2 urls to examine the performance of a new page layout. Trendemon will automatically direct 100% of the traffic to the top performing url. 

The first step in creating a Race campaign is to install Trendemon's Synchronous code on the page you plan to run the campaign. You can find the synchronous code by navigating to Configure --> Account Setup --> Installation. Please make sure you install the code according to the specified instructions

  1. Create a new Race campaign: 

To create a new Race campaign navigate to Activate → Page-Level → Create New → Race

2. Customize: 


Under the Customize section you’ll need to select the Test Type you want to run:

  • Test different elements - update elements on a single page and test the performance of different variations of the page  
  • Test different URLs - redirect traffic between a main page and completely different URLs to test the performance of different pages 


Test different elements:

Insert the page URL you want to update, and click on “Load URL”.

Now you can start creating page variations and updating elements on the page. 

Click on “+ Add modification”, and select the element you want to edit by clicking on it in the preview panel. Then select the action you want to take (Edit/Remove/…).

2 - select element

Use the side panel to update the element by changing the text, uploading a new image, changing the destination link, and more. 

3 - edit element

You can update multiple page elements in each variation, and create as many variations as you need. 

You can also incorporate dynamic elements on your page variation, like company name and industry. 


Test different URLs:

Insert the page URL you want to compare. You can click on the Preview icon to review the page. Create a variation and insert the 2nd URL you want to test against. 

You can insert as many urls as you need.

4 - redirect url

Click here to learn more about Race redirect and Google Analytics.


3. Settings:


Traffic Distribution

Allocate the traffic distribution between the different variations. Select “Equal” to evenly distribute the traffic between all variations, or “Custom” to manually define the distribution. 

5 - traffic distribution

Objectives and Winners

In this section, you select the experiment objectives and define how to allocate traffic distribution in case a winner is found. The settings in this section are optional, and leaving them blank means Trendemon will not automatically search for a winning variation. 

The first step is selecting the objective for the experiment. Trendemon will automatically track the performance of all variations in relation to this objective, and select the winner.  You can select an objective from your existing Trendemon goals, or set the objective to be “Engagement with Page” which combines different metrics like read% and proceed%. 


The second step is defining what happens once the winner is found. A Winner is determined once there’s sufficient statistical proof that one variation excels over the others. This is a function of many different components like the duration of the experiment, traffic exposure, number of objectives met, and more.    

Once the winner is found, Trendemon can automatically divert 100% of the traffic to the winning variation. This setting is optional and you can still run the experiment without it, explore the results yourself, and manually update the traffic allocation. 

You can also send email notifications to users and contacts once the winner is found.

6 - objectives and winners


Select target audiences that will see the variations, or run the experiment for all website visitors.

7 - audience


Select the devices on which the experiment should run.

8- device


You have an option to schedule the experiment and limit the variation exposure to a selected time frame. Please note that scheduling configuration takes priority over all winner settings, and experiment variations won’t be displayed after the scheduling end date. 


The publish section presents a summary of all the experiment settings. You can save the experiment as a draft or publish it to go live.

9 - publish

4. Manage Race Experiments:


You can find all your Race campaigns, their configuration, and status under the Manage screen. Navigate to Activate → Manage → Campaigns, and filter on Campaign Category = ACE & Race.

This screen also presents the experiment's current outcomes. Hover over this section to see more details about the experiment stage. Here’s a brief description of the different outcomes an experiment can have:

  • Ongoing: The experiment is still not concluded and more data needs to be gathered and analyzed in order to determine a winner.
  • Completed - Winner Found: Hover over the “Experiment Outcomes” value to see the winning variation. In this case, 100% of traffic may be diverted to the winning variation (based on the settings you’ve configured in the “Objectives and Winners” section).
  • Completed - No Winner: This means no winner was found due to insufficient exposure, low number of objectives met, or no statistical significance for the winner. Hover over the “Experiment Outcomes” value to see more details and recommendations. 

10 - manage

5. Analyze Race Performance: 

Explore the performance of your Race experiments by navigating to Activate → Analyze → ACE & Race. Click on the dropdown arrow to view all variations, and compare their performance in relation to business and goals and engagement metrics. 

11 - analyze