How to set up an Orchestration

Before you set up an Orchestration, you’ll need to configure an Audience, a business Goal, and Offers.

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  • Audience: this is the part where you tell us which visitors you want to target. Audiences can be based on company properties (like industry, size, revenue), geo locations, traffic sources and more. As a best practice we recommend defining an audience based on static attributes that don’t relate to their buying stage, since the purpose of the Orchestration is for Trendemon to move these visitors down the buying funnel.
  • Goal: in this section you let us know where you want Trendemon to lead your target audience. We recommend setting up “deep” goals to use in the Orchestration, ones that have a true business meaning that you want to measure, like SQL and MQL.
  • Offers: Offers are basically the creative part of campaigns. An Orchestration can include the following offer types: Promotion, Forms, Content Recommendations, and Surveys. There is no limitation on the number of offers or their types. Our recommendation is to use at least 5 different promotion offers, and at least one form (or a promotional offer that leads to gated content). 

When creating an offer you can also configure its funnel position. When the offer’s funnel position is set to “Automatic” this means that Trendemon optimization logic will display this offer at the optimal stage in the visitor’s journey. If for some reason you want to override this option, and specifically tell us when exactly in the journey this offer should be displayed, then you can select one of the following stages for the offer: Top of funnel, middle of the funnel, or Bottom of the funnel. 

Once you’re all set up, you can create an Orchestration using our 5-step wizard: select your audience, goals, offers, and areas where you want the offers to display.

  • How to measure Orchestration performance

Use our Analyze Performance screen to track the performance of your offers: their CTR, goals completion, and the % of visitors that clicked on the offer. 

If you use our ABM module, you can also track the performance of your orchestration by exploring the Flow Analysis on the dashboard, and track the engagement funnel of companies visiting your website - from landing to conversion.