Content Pool

Content pool is a pool of articles and can be defined by area, tag, or both. It is used to define what articles to include in the Content recommendation unit


To use the content recommendation unit, you need to define your content pool.

The content pool is a pool of articles and can be defined by area, tag, or both.

To configure content pool go to Configure -> Content pool -> Create content pool

Define Content Pool by Area:

Add all areas by checking it on the marked box (you can also change the parameter to exclude specific areas from the content pool).

Use cases, for example, define all pages in the blog or all white papers, it can also be more than one area.

Note, to define by area you must have the area configured in the configure-> areas tab (make sure the area you are trying to pull the content from is marked in the area configuration with V on the content pull parameter read mor on how to configre areas here )


Define Content Pool By Tag:

The content pool can be defined also by a tag or group of tags based on related topics, solutions, products, etc. (To add a tag to your content read here.)

You can decide whether you want both conditions to be in ‘And’ Or ‘Or’ relation.

You can also select the number of page views for the pages in the content pool. For example, you can exclude pages that have less than 10 page views.

The last step is to determine if you want the content pool optimization to be conversion for specific or all goals or engagement.


You can select all goals or specific ones. In this case, our engine will present content optimized to lead visitors to conversion to any goal or to specific one.


Select engagement for the pool to keep the visitor engaged with more content.


Congrats! Now you can use this content pool inside our recommendation unit.