You can add more users to be able to access the Trendemon dashboard.
Users can be set to have different permissions
Admin- Ability to edit settings and configuration and campaigns view data and pull reports
Editor - ability to edit campaigns and view data and pull reports
Viewer - Ability to view data and pull reports
(Each subscription tier has a limited number of users that is presented on the top of the page to add users, contact your customer success manager.)
To add users
Go to settings -> users -> create users
Fill in an email address, user's first and last name, and select the role.
The New users will receive an email with an invitation to access the Trendemon dashboard. on the first Login, the user will be requested to change the password.
To change existing user's password -
In Setting -> users -> click resend invite - user will receive an invite by email and will have to change the password on login.
To delete a user -
In Setting -> users -> click Delete user.
To edit user role -
In Setting -> users -> Change user role.